Thursday, March 10, 2011

Forgotten (1933)

This was a major surprise, I purchased this DVD because it stared June Clyde, I’ve seen one of her movies, I liked her so I wanted to see more of her stuff. But when I put in the DVD and the credits came up I saw the Natalie Moorhead, I freaked out, like a child on Christmas, I had no idea she was in this. Like so many of her movies, she wasn’t in this much, but she was the best of the bunch as usual. The movie is about a Widower who owns a dye company and lives with his son and daughter, he tends to not get along well with his son’s and their wives and they soon convince him to retire and then force him to a retirement home. But his daughter who loves him dearly helps him start a new dye business and almost puts his son’s business out of business, but they merge and the whole family lives happily together ever after. It’s was an ok movie, a bit slow, most of the acting was fine, at times they seemed a bit bored almost like they were reading their lines. As for Natalie, I’m not being bias, but she was the best, with what little she had to do. She plays one of the wives’ who get annoyed with the father, like most of her roles she is somewhat stuck up, she plays those roles so well. Unlike the others whose walk is straight and talk in the same tone the whole time, she is more natural and believable, to the littlest detail she seems real while the others are just acting, again I ask why wasn’t she a star? One very interesting thing I noticed is in the final scenes she is wearing a dress that I believe she wore in two other movies, I need to find out if they are from the same studio or is this one of her own dresses, I wonder if I’ll see it in any other movies.

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