Betty Compson 1897-1974
Absolutely beautiful and a cute voice, an awesome combination, Betty was a big star in the silent’s and early talkies, but soon dropped to bit parts, then low budget movies, then gone. Although she went on to have a solid career after the movies making ash trays for clubs and restaurants with her ex boxer husband in the 60’s to 70’s. But why did she drop when she had such talent and unbelievable beauty?

Dorothy Mackaill 1903-1990
Another big late silent and early talkie star, whose career sadly fell apart, although she stayed in Hollywood and was a part of the scene. I’ve read she quit pictures to take care of her sick mother, but why didn’t she come back, she had the talent and was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

Kay Johnson 1904-1975
If you haven’t seen “Madam Satan” your missing out on a fun movie, a bit strange, but fun. Kay Johnson seemed to be very big for about a year or two in the early 30‘s, two big Cecil B Demille movies, and a few other big movies, then gone. I about went crazy when I saw her in “Mr. Lucky” in 1943, a very small part, but she looked a good as ever. Like Natalie she had a unique look and voice, how can you not love her?

Toby Wing 1915-2001
Easily one of the sexiest women of all time, Marilyn Monroe is nowhere close, she’s sexy and cute, a dangerous combination. Now can she act, not really, she a had few movies with bigger parts, but she mostly had bit parts, just walking around in her underwear or chorus in musicals, but who cares about acting with Toby. Toby was just plain fun, but a quickly as she appeared she was gone, why? I’ve read she became a teacher, wow, can you imagine having a former movie star as your teacher?

Jean Parker 1915-2005
I’ve talked about beauties, but none compare to Jean Parker, just stunning, and that voice, what a goddess, I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. She started in smaller parts became a big star in B movies, then disappeared, why? She wasn’t so great in the dramas but in comedies she was fantastic, they made over 6 Maisie movies with Ann Southern, and about 7 Torchy Blane movies with Glenda Farrell, now I love Glenda and Ann but come on those Kitty D’Day movies with Jean are perfect, why only did they only make 2?

Mary Brian 1906-2002
She got her start as Wendy in the silent Peter Pan, became a big star in the early talkies, but again was just about gone in the 40’s, with those looks and voice, how can you not love her. She had a brief fling on TV on “Meet Corliss Archer”, then retired and became a painter.